When Will You Be A Good Candidate For All 4 Dental Implants? Consider The Key Factors

Using four implants as a support system for a new set of fixed teeth, the All On 4 dental implants in NYC treatment replace upper or lower teeth. The anterior maxilla, which has more bone density, is where the posterior implants are positioned, angled 45 degrees toward the back of the mouth. This approach is more affordable than traditional implant treatments since it doesn’t require the same level of bone density to support the implant. So, when it would be a great option for you? Below are some scenarios when you can consider it.

  • Missing or failing teeth

Unlike traditional dentures, All On 4 dental implants in NYC provide a more effective and comfortable alternative. It is a perfect choice for patients with compromised or missing teeth who are sick of the discomfort associated with removable dentures.

  • If you have insufficient jawbone density

Due to their anchoring in the mandible, all-on-4 dental implants in NYC need a specific level of bone density to make the procedure successful. Even after experiencing severe tooth loss, some patients may still be good candidates for further treatments like bone grafting. Your dentist can evaluate your bone density to find the best course of action. If you have good general health and take dental care, you can be an eligible candidate for it.


Patients may feel less confident about All on-4 dental implants due to the awkward bridges and more amount of time the procedure takes. But if you belong to the above-mentioned patient cases, then All 4 implants would be the best option. Contact Dental Implant Center NYC for this solution, as they have these implant technologies.

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